Friday, April 20, 2012

Airport Authority of India (AAI) Various Posts Last Date : 15/05/2012.

Sarkari Naukri Damad India. Latest Upadted Indian Govt Jobs -

Airport Authority of India (AAI) 
Southern Region (SR), Chennai-600027 

AAI invites applications for the following Job positions in Southern Region:
  1. Junior Assistant (Fire Service) : 250 posts (UR-127, SC-22, ST-23, OBC-78ST-8)
  2. Assistant (Office) : 15 post (UR-9, OBC-4, SC-1, ST-1)
  3. Senior Assistant (Statistics) : 01 post (PH)
  4. Senior Assistant (OL-Hindi) : 05 posts (UR-3, ST-1, OBC-1)
  5. Senior Assistant (Nursing) : 01 post (UR)

    Application Fee :  Draft for Rs.100/- drawn in favour of Airports Authority o India, payable at Chennai.  SC/ ST / Women candidates are exempted from payment of fees.

    How To Apply : Candidates may submit their application on plain paper (separately for each post along with attested copy of relevant certificates) in Hindi / English in the prescribed to The Regional Executive Director, Airports Authority of India, Southern Region, Chennai – 600027 (the envelope should be super-scripted by “Application for the post of _________ )" on or before 15/05/2012.

    Please visit for details and application format.

     Published at (Click on the Labels below for more similar Jobs)

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